Prophet – Five Fold Ministry
Prophets are men and women of God who speak in His name on something that has to do with the past, present, or future. In the Old Testament, they were known as seers. They are God’s mouthpiece who receive visions and revelations from Him and speak when they are driven by a sudden inspiration or illuminated by a momentary revelation.
The prophet is identified because he/she flows in the gifts of revelation which include: the gift of the word of knowledge, the gift of the word of wisdom, and the gift of discernment of spirit. Often, prophets have the ability to see into the spirit realm through the gift of discernment. In other words, they have the ability to see incoming danger and pronounce warnings beyond what others are able to see or perceive.
There is a great difference between a prophet as one of the recognized offices within the five fold ministry of Ephesians 4:11 and the gift of prophecy. Any believer can prophesy, but that does not make him a prophet. Prophecy in the New Testament serves to edify, comfort, and exhort the church, and it must always be aligned to God’s Word. God called the ministry of the prophet to give confirmation; to strengthen, provide security, and remove doubts. When prophets confirm a calling, a vision, a word, or a decision, the people become firmly rooted, constant, and grow in the Lord.
The reward of a prophet consists in receiving the benefits of grace, favor, and the anointing which operate in that man or woman of God. In Matthew, chapter 10, it says that to receive a prophet is the same as receiving Jesus. Therefore, whoever welcomes a prophet will be rewarded with the same measure as His anointed because when the gift if welcomed, the person and the giver of the gift – Jesus – are also welcomed.