

Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries is called to embrace partnership between the apostolic and prophetic ministries. The apostolic anointing is a building and governing anointing. This Hub carries a mandate for regional revival, equipping, and activation! The prophetic anointing reveals.

In order for transformation to unfold and revival to be released, there must be divine revelation. The Apostolic Center is a place of continuing refreshing and outpouring. It is not just a place that enjoys a seasonal outpouring. This is an expression of the apostolic mandate to build places of presence and power. This is a place of prayer and intimacy.

“This is the discovery of a paradigm that will unleash a global harvest as My plans and purposes are fulfilled in the earth,” says the Lord. “I am building the foundation for Revival and Revival Centers; it is not the work of man but the ordination of My Spirit.”

The Father has positioned us here to dig deep wells of revival and refreshing for a region, where a divine outpouring and awakening is led by a team of radical revivalists whose heart’s cry is to see a great awakening.

Our agenda of the hour is not just building another ministry, but to release the spiritual destiny of a region and host the presence of God in a way that brings radical transformation to the lives of the people.

Here are some Characteristics of Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries:

  • We are marked by hunger! It is the hungry that will press in and invite an outpouring in a region.
  • We will dig wells that will not only bless the Hub but also the region and beyond.
  • We will face opposition as the well gets deeper and the transforming presence of God grows in the Hub.
  • We are Presence-driven, and our leaders place great emphasis and value upon the presence of our God.
  • We are prayer-fueled. Prayer is KEY to birth and sustain revival.
  • We will release the sounds of Heaven. We are impacted by revival worship. God is birthing new sounds for a new move. We are NOT performance-driven worshippers. The worship coming forth will draw people deeper into encounter.
  • We will be known for miracles and power!
  • We are a place of supernatural power where bodies are healed, lives are changed, and miracles are released.
  • We are fathering, mothering, and equipping. The emerging move right now is an apostolic- and prophetic-driven revival.

This Hub that God has raised up is birthing and establishing spiritual sons and daughters. As the move of God continues, training is key to raise up a generation that releases the Kingdom.

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Isaiah 55:1

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