Which level of affiliation are you applying for?LicensureOrdination
Organization Name:
Organization Type: Please Check OneChurchOutreachItinerantOther
How long has this organization been established?
Mailing Address
Street Address
Province / State
Postal Code / ZIP
Organization Email:
Organization Website:
Organization Phone:
Home Church: (if ministry is a church)
Pastor's Name:
What is your present Ministerial Function?
Please describe your salvation experience:
Please provide three references that will speak of your position in ministry:
Phone Number:
Please appreciate that this is an application and Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries will speak with references and interview each applicant personally, and where it is necessary, the interview will be conducted virtually or by telephone. Once approved to be part of the Fresh Fire Apostolic Network, each affiliate agrees to relational oversight and to support financially as the Lord directs We (I) agree and understand all of the above and desire to be affiliated with Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries. For More Information Contact: Apostle Todd Smith or Apostle Sandra Benaglia Smith at: [email protected]